Jodi Lomask reads testimonials from previous Creative Journey clients.

After the journey, my friend noticed that I was emanating light and walking with full confidence into life. The journey with Jodi was a truly life changing experience.
— Elizabeth R
The decade began with a stack of formidable challenges and setbacks. Each on their own would have been an epic test. Combined, they required a massive reset, rethink and refresh. Spending the day in the redwoods with Jodi was the medicine we needed.
— Wallace N
Priorities have changed. Channels have opened up. So amazing. Especially since I was a little scared going in. I didn’t feel scared at all. The visions were powerful. I can cross the bridge and face the fear. It doesn’t feel like my childhood trauma is so relevant anymore.
— Sharon G
Knowing that I can access some of the deepest layers of my subconscious mind during a journey is like having a powerful tool at my disposal: it surfaced hidden patterns that needed my urgent attention, re-aligned me to what really matters to me (the people I love), and for weeks afterwards, gave me a joy of life I hadn’t felt in a long time.
— Erich B
Jodi was a perfect guide in a perfect setting. She helped me feel safe. She literally carried me when needed. I could relax into my experience knowing that she was with me. So grateful.
— VB
The Journey with Jodi was an energetic breakthrough - a breakthrough of a creative/psychic block I have been experiencing for a long time. I felt this liberation both during the journey and after. I am still processing this experience.
— Carolyn D
This was such an impactful journey, it changed my view of myself like nothing else. Jodi is such an amazing guide and partner in the experience - a creative soul, a caring heart and a beautiful mind.
— Michael B
I’d never done anything like this before, and while I felt compelled to find out more, I was nervous. Jodi seemed to know exactly where I was coming from and what I needed. She’s intuitive and open, yet at the same time completely down to earth. And enthusiastic! Jodi is fantastic.
— Peter D
Such a magical location, so easy to feel close to nature. A fairytale setting, feeling intimate with the redwoods.
— Michele D
I felt like Jodi kept reaching into my brain and was pulling out what I was thinking. It was surprising how easily she could tune in to what I was experiencing. After the journey, she continued to offer me insight into how I approach projects and how I might adjust my approach.
— Judy T
Jodi helped me embrace my experience and go deeper. I didn’t feel scared, no matter how wild things got. She helped me to uncover a sense of purpose that I’m still processing, along with an uptick in my general outlook. The whole experience was physically pleasurable, which was a bit of a surprise.
— Andrew D
It helped me gain so much perspective about life and key insights on my life purpose. Also Jodi was a fantastic companion before, during and after the journey, knowing exactly how to best support me.
— Elizabeth R
The journey itself was impeccably composed, perhaps crafted just for us. Jodi has blended her natural care and compassion with her highly developed sensibility for creative direction. She knows who we are, what’s on our minds, how much to give, and who should give it - encouraging us to take those small steps in the direction we want to go. She guided us through phases and environments, and we crept deeper and closer together.
— Kevin D
Journeying with Jodi elevated my psilocybin experience. The exercises we did together, her customized assignments for me and her steadfast support throughout my trip allowed me to go deeper. I was able to address old and new wounds, connect deeply with the natural world and, through that, with my singular, tiny space in the great universe of life. I couldn’t recommend her more.
— Nina H